Golden ring offers a range of classes for children and adults of all ages in a safe and pleasant place.

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Savate rules


For this type of martial art, an official observer, who has the highest rank of authority in the competition, supervises the performance of the jury, which includes side judges and referees. Also, the timekeeper, the medical service, and the safety equipment inspector help the board in judging. Savate matches can be held in 2, 3, 4 or 5 rounds and the duration varies. One to two minutes rest time is considered between each round or rest time.

Savate competitions are held in two styles:

  • Asot styleIn this style, students perform the forms and techniques specific to this discipline in a precise and demonstration manner.
  • Combat styleIn this style, martial artists strike the opponent in two ways, without a neck protector and with a protector (which is often held without a protector).




Savate is a French martial art that involves hands and feet as the only weapon for defense and offense. It is also known as French boxing, French foot fighting, and French kickboxing. The modern formalized form is mainly an amalgam of French street fighting techniques from the beginning of the 19th century. Savate was then a type of street fighting common in Paris and northern France.

Today Savate is a significant and developed competitive sport. Savate has a ranking system marked by colors and you can find these on their gloves. In the past, there were different moves of boxing and kicking, wrestling, grappling, and weapon training that were involved in this sport. But today it only includes bare-handed techniques applied while standing or jumping.