We all know that exercising has many benefits, including improved fitness and strength. But what do we know about the effects of certain types of exercise? For example, researchers have already shown that running can increase life expectancy or yoga can make you happier. However, there is one activity that goes beyond improving physical and mental health, martial arts can also enhance the brain’s abilities. In this essay, we will present 5 reasons that show how martial arts can strengthen the brain.



Improving attention

Researchers say there are two ways to improve attention through attention training (AT) and attention state training (AST). AT is based on a specific skill and getting better at that skill, for example using video games to train the brain. AST, on the other hand, is about entering a certain mindset that allows for stronger concentration, this can be done using exercises such as meditation or yoga.

it is found that Martial arts is a form of AST, and recent research shows a connection between practice and mindfulness. Building on this idea, another study has shown that practicing martial arts, specifically karate, is associated with better performance with a split task. This is a task in which a person must keep two rules in mind and respond to signals based on whether they are auditory or visual.

Reduction of aggression


 In an American study, 8- to 11-year-old children received martial arts training that focused on respect for others and self-defense as part of an anti-bullying program.


Children are taught how to maintain a level of control in difficult situations. Researchers have found that martial arts training reduces the level of aggressive behavior in boys, and those who used to bully others before the training are now calm. In this research, no significant changes in girls’ behavior were observed, because they had much less physical aggression than boys before the training.

Interestingly, this anti-aggression effect is not limited to young children. In a different research, two teenagers who also experience martial arts had less physical and verbal aggression and less hostility.

More stress management

Some types of martial arts such as tai chi emphasizes breath control and meditation. These cases were proven in a study by reducing stress levels and better management ability in teenagers. These effects were also observed in elderly people, 330 of the participants in this research had an average age of 73 years. The gentle movements of Tai Chi make it an ideal exercise for the elderly.


Increasing emotional well-being

Since several scientists are looking for a connection between emotional relationships and physical health, it is important to note that martial arts are also very effective in improving a person’s emotional state. In the above studies, 45 older adults (67-93 years) were asked to participate in karate training for 3-6 months. Older adults in karate training showed lower rates of depression than both groups (perhaps due to its meditative aspects). It was also reported that these elderly people showed higher levels of self-esteem.

improving memory

 After comparing a group that practiced karate and a group that did not practice any martial art, Italian researchers found that people who were active in karate had better improved memory. They used an experiment that consisted of recalling and repeating a series of numbers both correctly and inverted, this experiment continued until the person did not encounter problems and did not give up . The karate group performed significantly better than the other group, it means they could remember much longer numbers.

The benefits of martial arts


Lack of discipline in children is very painful for parents. It is good to know that martial arts, with certain rules and regulations, will train your child in a regular and disciplined manner.


2. Politeness and respect


All children are polite, but is there anything wrong with reflecting the respect you teach them in their behavior and actions? Is there anything wrong with your child acting like a gentleman? The answer is definitely no. Therefore, it is good to know that martial arts, by teaching the practical aspect of respect and politeness to children from the very basic age, give them a correct form of behavior, and train them practically during speech to be polite and respect to younger and older people. Therefor; the result will be obvious.



3. The effect of martial arts on academic status


 One of the most absurd reasons why parents refuse to bring their children to martial arts classes during the school year is a false excuse: it will harm their studies! Unfortunately, or fortunately, this claim has been completely rejected scientifically. Children who do martial arts are 34 to 40 percent more successful in solving complex math problems than their non-martial peers. Martial arts children implement more effective and logical solutions when faced with physics problems. Also, in a part of the research, it was found that the ability to retain lessons and strengthen the brain and memory is also fifteen percent higher in martial arts children. More advantage than







4.  Goodbye stress and anger

 If your child gets nervous easily, immediately gets stressed or argues with you and his arguments are violent and angry, send him to martial arts classes, repeated hitting, fighting and physical exercises, it is effective way to relieve nervous pressure and negative mental characteristics in children.

5. Your child is timid

Fear is a common trait in children, most children are afraid of sleeping alone in their room, or they are afraid of the dark, etc., fear is due to the lack of awareness and lack of awareness is related to not training the mind. martial arts with concentration training, placing a person in situations where he is forced to make the right decisions (fighting situation) open his mind and solve this problem by developing a positive sense of courage.

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